Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Getting the facts on women and heart attack

Many of you will know of my passion re: sharing information about diabetic not necessarily having the classic warning signs when having a heart attack. I have posted about this many times before. Similarly, I have posted on occasion about the fact that women also do not always have these 'classic' symptoms. Saw this on our Heart Foundation's Facebook page and thought it opportune and relevant to repost here:


Women are more likely to experience atypical symptoms when having a heart attack, such as jaw, shoulder, neck and back pain. Yet only one in four women are aware of at least one of the symptoms. Get the facts: http://www.heartattackfacts.org.au/heart-attack-facts/women-and-heart-attack/

Warning Signs -  Katie's  personal story

"Heart disease and heart attacks are often perceived as being an older man’s disease, however heart disease is the single biggest killer of Australian women. Over 4,800 women died of a heart attack in Australia in 2010 – women comprise 49% of all heart attack deaths in Australia.

Did you know that heart disease is the single biggest killer of Australian women? And that four times as many women die of heart disease than breast cancer?

If you are a woman over 40 and living in Australia, your chance of having a heart attack before the age of 70 is one in three; if you are a woman who smokes, your chance increases to one in two – which is the same chance as for men.

The risk of heart disease increases once women reach menopause and it kills more women than lung cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer combined. Despite this, only 36% of Australian women are aware that heart disease is their number one killer. If awareness is low, then women are less likely to see the relevance of taking action to improve their heart health......"


"29 Lives" - TV Interview with Channel Nine, October 15, 2008

All it takes is a beautiful fake smile.....

Saw this on a friend's Facebook page the other day and knew I had to post it here. The words in this photo will no doubt ring true for anyone out there who is dealing with or has dealt with depression or knows a friend or a work colleague who has done so or for people coping with a serious illness or disease like cancer, diabetes or heart issues.

People will always find different ways to cope with a bad situation, be it health or otherwise related and 'masking' their true feelings is one way many do this. Sitting back and judging those who do so is not our right or job, recognizing what is going on and trying to help should be our duty.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Now I don't know if this is true but......

Was checking on postings in some of the heart groups I am a member of on Facebook and came across this from one of the members:

"I was told today to buy some cayleen pepper and if I get cheap pains they work in taking the pain away has anybody else this about this herbal rememdy?" (He was referring to using cayenne pepper, not cayleen, for chest pain).

And then he referenced this article: How to Stop a Heart Attack in One Minute


You can click on the above link and read the article for yourself.

Seeing something like this always concerns me and when I see them I respond and I try and suggest that anyone with a heart condition (or any condition) who is on medication should always consult with their doctor first before starting on something else.

In this case my response was as follows:

"Always check with your doctor before starting to take supplements or herbal remedies as only he/she knows your total health situation and knows what may or may not clash with other medication you are on or not suit you if you have a gastric problem/ulcer for example."

Monday, 1 June 2015

I get the shivers when I see this sort of thing

This is currently doing the rounds on at least one heart support group on Facebook that I am aware of. I always get the shivers when I see this sort of thing being toted as being an alternative to taking prescribed meds, especially when the post is accompanied with comments such as the "doctors only prescribe medications to make money and to keep pharmaceutical companies in business".

People should always check with their doctors before taking supplements or other concoctions - only your doctor/specialist knows your TOTAL health situation and what supplements you can and can not take in conjunction with other meds you might be on for the heart, diabetes, thyroid etc.

Heart Disease and Heart Attacks

This is a great little video that very clearly explains the difference between heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest and explains the causes. It is in plain English and also explains some of the terminology used when doctors talk about coronary artery disease. Possibly the best presentation and easiest to understand explanation I have seen since I had my heart attack and cardiac arrest in 2007. Well worth watching.