Medical Bracelets and Necklaces

For a number of years now, I have been giving talks to our local cardiac rehab unit about my heart attack and what I did  regarding changes to lifestyle, diet and exercise.

During my talks I mention that I keep a list of my medicines and what they are for in my wallet and I also talk about ICE - In Case of Emergency - which refers to making a couple of entries in your mobile/cell phone's address book which in the case of an emergency would direct first responders, paramedics or police for example, to who to call in the event that you have a medical emergency while you are out and about.

Another thing I mention, because I have a number of medical issues, is that I wear a medical alert bracelet which lists some of my issues including my have having a heart attack, have stents and have had bypass surgery, that I am on insulin for diabetes and on oroxine for my thyroid condition.

An example of a Medical Alert bracelet/necklace

I show those present my bracelet and suggest that people might want to consider wearing one of these, especially if like me, they have more than one serious health/medical condition.

I personally wear a bracelet from Medic Alert but know there are many companies out there that produce a similar product. A Google search will help find a company/supplier where you live.

This is just a thought but one worth considering in my opinion.

More information on Medic Alert products can be found here:
(Please note I am not an agent or representative for Medic Alert).

For Healthcare Professionals:

MedicAlert® can help you make a quick diagnosis or prevent incorrect medication or procedures being administered in emergency situations.

This is my bracelet:

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