Thursday, 3 November 2016

Final talk for the year to our local cardiac rehab unit

This morning I gave my last talk for the year at our local cardiac rehab unit. Twenty two people in attendance including the program co-ordinator, psychologist and a medical student. A sign of the times sadly when there are so many people needing to do a program like this.

The first thing I talked about was the fact that I had virtually none of the classic warning signs or symptoms when I had my heart attack and that I was later told this is not uncommon with diabetics, something I did know beforehand.

In addition to talking about my heart event and recovery and my changes in lifestyle I spent a bit of time dealing with the need to find positives in life to help in the recovery process, especially when things are not going all that great and stress and emotional head games may become difficult to cope with

I was able to share about what I did when those times came (come) along and what I did (so) to deal with depression including walking everyday, looking after injured wildlife and probably the biggest thing that happened for me, rediscovering an old hobby, photography.

Could not stress enough to those present the need to have a hobby or two, to have something to look forward to doing. Was a good final session for the year and if required, will be more than happy to do it all again in 2017 when I will be celebrating ten years surviving something I was very lucky to survive.

An interview I did with Channel Nine a year after my heart attack:

(Yep, that's me being loaded into the ambulance for the trip up to Brisbane for my triple bypass)

Use this link to view a presentation I put together a number of years ago after a cardiac rehab talk. Whilst the format may have changed over the years, the material I cover and the messages I try and share have not.

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