Monday, 5 January 2015

Don't expect everyone to understand your journey

A sad reality of life is that not everyone will appreciate what your are going through as you/we deal with the after effects of a major health scare like a heart attack or as you deal with an ongoing health concern such as diabetes or recovering from treatment or surgery for cancer.

This is a fact of life. For whatever reason, sometimes our 'friends' have more of a problem dealing with your/our health issues and more to the point and something that happens quite a lot, your/our friends sometimes have a harder time coming to terms and dealing with what we are going through.

Time and again I have seen this question raised when giving a talk at our cardiac rehab unit and no doubt I will hear it again down the track. Realizing this, understanding and accepting this goes a long way to not letting this get in the way of your/our rehab and recovery program.

Another 'favourite' I hear from time to time is: 'You've had your heart attack and had your surgery so now you are right to get back to living like you were before you got sick'.

There are people who just do not get for whatever reason that for some people getting back to 'normal' is never going to happen for any of a number of reasons but until such time as they have had to deal with a similar situation they will never understand what living with a decreased heart function is like or how too much exertion or stress could bring on an angina attack or for that matter how a hypo for a diabetic can sometimes come about without warning despite how vigilant you might be as a diabetic who takes insulin.

Understanding the above will hopefully be of assistance to some who may be doing it tough right now as they deal with recovering from a health scare.

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