Thursday 11 June 2015

Now I don't know if this is true but......

Was checking on postings in some of the heart groups I am a member of on Facebook and came across this from one of the members:

"I was told today to buy some cayleen pepper and if I get cheap pains they work in taking the pain away has anybody else this about this herbal rememdy?" (He was referring to using cayenne pepper, not cayleen, for chest pain).

And then he referenced this article: How to Stop a Heart Attack in One Minute

You can click on the above link and read the article for yourself.

Seeing something like this always concerns me and when I see them I respond and I try and suggest that anyone with a heart condition (or any condition) who is on medication should always consult with their doctor first before starting on something else.

In this case my response was as follows:

"Always check with your doctor before starting to take supplements or herbal remedies as only he/she knows your total health situation and knows what may or may not clash with other medication you are on or not suit you if you have a gastric problem/ulcer for example."

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