Tuesday 14 July 2015

Heart Attack Facts | Will you recognise your Heart Attack?

Share this information on your Facebook timeline and other social network programmes you may belong to, you might just help someone save their own life!!!

"It is important to understand that warning signs can vary from person to person and they may not always be sudden or severe.

Although chest pain or discomfort is the most common symptom of a heart attack, some people will not experience chest pain at all, while others will experience only mild chest pain or discomfort. Others may experience one symptom, while some experience a combination.

The one thing all heart attacks have in common is that the sooner you receive treatment, the less damage will be done."

If you experience the warning signs of a heart attack for 10 minutes, if they are severe or get progressively worse,  call Triple Zero (000) immediately - or 911 or whatever the emergency telephone number is where you live - and ask for an ambulance.

And some people like diabetics may not experience any warning signs at all! 

Click on the following link to learn more: http://www.heartattackfacts.org.au/warning-signs/

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