Monday 2 November 2015

Postperfusion syndrome, also known as "pumphead"

"Postperfusion syndrome, also known as "pumphead", is a constellation of neurocognitive impairments attributed to cardiopulmonary bypass during cardiac surgery. Symptoms of postperfusion syndrome are subtle and include defects associated with attention, concentration, short term memory, fine motor function, and speed of mental and motor responses. Studies have shown a high incidence of neurocognitive deficit soon after surgery, but the deficits are often transient with no permanent neurological impairment."

This is not something to be dismissed lightly and many who have had bypass surgery comment on issues such as memory loss after surgery. Sometimes talking to others who have dealt with this problem is helpful.

Postperfusion Syndrome (pumphead) Facebook groups:

These groups may help people who have suffered memory loss after cardiac surgery and/or issues with fine motor skills and speed of mental and motor responses. Use these links to find out more about these group:

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